

wassup poet! welcome to the brand-new blog for the germantown poetry festival's young blood poetry workshops! this blog will allow you to connect with other poets from the workshops in between our monthly gatherings. using it, you can share your work with your peers and get their valuable feedback. feel free to post a poem that you are working on or post a comment on someone else's poem. occasionally, we will post writing exercises or quotations to inspire your writing. feel free to do the same. as you enter into the conversation, just remember to keep it real & keep it positive.

so who's posting the first poem?

peace & poetry,
yolanda p, fest director


  1. Spoken Words by Elisha Buckingham

    “She lives life unconsciously unaware of the broken picture
    fractured smiles, tainted laughter, and brief moments where she feels whole, all disguises the true chapter.
    Unspoken words, leave question marks
    never to be answered.
    A chapter in her life has
    never been written
    She avoids the big picture
    Her life is incomplete
    and she is unable to truly
    build a relationship
    she lacks coordination
    She's lost, she can only go so far,
    she needs guidance,
    her mother has brought her this far,
    but she still needs
    Her greatest fear is rejection
    and her greatest weakness
    is fear of rejection.
    You'd think
    that would be her strong point
    being that everything in her life
    she earned
    and was never given to her
    she still falls short
    so I guess
    we all have to learn
    'Teach me to be strong, and able to truly love, show me the light, so I can rise above my great depression; a slave to my closed chapter, I'm the resurrection of second guessing, but the master of my reflection...'

    A lot to be spoken
    she's always searching,
    rivers of pain
    flow threw her valley
    and like a pledge
    infect her membranes.
    her white blood cells
    turn screeching red
    infected with horrors
    and pride.
    She's always at war
    with herself
    even though
    she knows of the lies.
    Its not her fault
    but she takes blame
    willing to fix whats’ been
    fucked up
    She fights to change her ways.
    the pressure that fuels her fire
    is to never
    be like her father.

    I will finish what I start
    and when I'm wrong
    I'll be a women
    and never be ashamed to admit
    I was wrong.
    I will fight for what is right
    and accept my life choices
    and decisions
    I will be a great mother
    and friend
    and always be there for my children
    I will look into my son's eyes
    and see a wonderful, strong man.
    I will tell him of my trails and tribulations
    and teach him how to be a real
    My daughter will be a strong women
    I will teach her how to fight
    and I will allow her to fall
    and guide her
    when she stands
    I will give my all in every situation,
    because failing to give my all is
    preparing to fail.
    I will never forget the ones who were there for me
    and even though I will one day forgive you
    ignorance is never bliss
    ignorance is failing to prepare
    and I don't excuse your absence
    and time will never make up for itself
    so even though
    I find myself
    sometimes looking for your face
    in a crowd when I'm playing tennis
    or receiving a award
    or even walking down the ale,
    I will always remember
    that I made it
    this far without you
    and I will go on living
    my life
    picking up the pieces you left behind
    because everyday
    I grow stronger
    and learn something new
    something maybe you should have been here to teach me
    I guess in the long run
    I'd rather experience a failure
    and learn from it
    than to be told about it
    and avoid it
    assuming is making an ass out of you.
    I wish you only knew...
    your little girls growing up
    so fast
    and she has great pride
    thanks to you.
    she's learn her strength;
    you figure out what your made of
    when you land on your ass
    time n time again.
    I keep my head up
    always looking forward
    can't dwell in the past
    today's a present
    you weren't present to receive
    so I make it a priority to make it
    since you made me
    and left me,
    and for the record
    I shouldn't have to find you
    cause you made me.”

  2. That awsome Elisha, and I hope everyone reads my new piece;I DARE YOU
